As St. Pat’s draws near, we learn who has been selected as an Honorary Knight of St. Patrick. The 113th Best Ever will feature two honorary St. Pat’s — Kevin and Meg Brady — and eight knights. Read their profiles and more the S&T News site.
Meet the 2020 Honorary Knights
The Honorary St. Patricks and Honorary Knights have been selected for the 2020 Best Ever! The honorees are below, but see their full bios and details on the S&T News website. Honorary St. Pats: Kevin Brady, senior finance and accounting manager in student affairs at S&T, and Meg Brady, retired senior director of global learning […]
Greet your Knights
Learn who is who on the Honorary Knights list for 2019. Also check out the Student Knights and Queen of Love and Beauty candidates. Four more daze, folks!
Your home for St. Pat’s
The snakes have been bashed, now on to the court announcement! Tomorrow we will learn who will portray St. Pat in 2018. Be sure to check back and see all the action from this year. For now, refresh your memory of this year’s series of events and meet your Honorary Knights!
Learn who is a Student Knight, Queen candidate and Honorary St. Pat
The 109th Honorary St. Pat and Honorary Knights have just been announced. Bob Edwards will be Honorary St. Pat and parade marshal for the 109th St. Pat’s celebration. The eight Honorary Knights are Dr. Susan Bowles, Walt Branson, Alisa Green, Dr. Barbara Hale, Lt. Oscar Kemp, Dr. Ashok Midha, Dr. Melanie Mormile and Dr. David Russell. The Student Knights and Queen candidates have also been announced! Wave to them during this year’s parade and be sure to congratulate them if you seen them around Rolla. Here is to the Best Ever St. Pat’s celebration!
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