Your source for all things green at Missouri S&T

Knight time

We’ll have official news releases and all that jazz later, but for now we’re just going to give you the names of the 2012 Honorary Knights. They are as follows:

  • David Bernhard (St. Pat in 1990)
  • Dan Brown (state senator)
  • Charlotte Divincen (executive assistant at S&T)
  • John Eash (incoming president of the alumni association at S&T)
  • Greg Gelles (chair of economics at S&T)
  • Bob Hribar (senior lab mechanic at S&T)
  • Jeanie Hofer (director of international and cultural afffairs at S&T)
  • Kevin Mullally (president of Mullally Distributing in Cuba, Mo.)

Oh, yeah. And the Honorary Saint Patrick is Tom Green, owner of Key Sports.